Friday, January 26, 2018

Course in Warsaw, winter 2018

A four-week rehabilitation course in Warsaw, the Olinek centre, is coming to an end. The last days Masha is already very tired, so we have reduced the time classes, because overload for a child with cerebral palsy is undesirable. Basically, Masha had daily 2 hours of exercise therapy, an hour of hand therapy and half an hour of speech therapy. She did not cry at all and almost always with great zeal tried to perform the tasks of therapists.

Before, when Mary was little, she couldn't understand why all this when there are plenty of other interesting things than sitting on a cushion in hard braces with fixed hands, but now being older, she realized the difference between himself and the peers, so that there — 6-month babies, which can even more than she did. In her eyes, sadness began to appear more often, and we often need to cheer her up.

We worked on the stability of posture, head control, targeted movements. It is too early to talk about the results, but we note that it has become better with the "eye-hand" connection, the head falls less often in a sitting position and she wants to enter into a dialogue and pronounces different sounds. Communication is something we want to focus on between physical rehabilitation.

I want to add that this course was half paid at the expense of the collected funds! Thank you to everyone who supported us!