Thursday, October 12, 2017

Memories. 3%

Masha was born on December 23, 2013. Her appearance at the eve of the New Year holidays was to be the most significant and long-awaited gift for our entire family.

But, alas, the New Year holidays from 2013 every year in memory of the pain and joylessness of the experience. Although life goes on and time heals, the soul and mind are subdued, and we adapt ...

By all accounts, she was to be born on another day, but the hasty and incompetent actions of the doctors led to a premature birth. The birth was heavy and seemed unnatural. At some point, according to the doctors' faces, it became clear that the case took an unexpected turn. The vacuum extraction of the fetus was urgently applied, and the child was taken out - white, breathless and soundless. We were not even able to see her face, as her body was quickly carried away. This silence and ignorance of what is happening seemed to last for eternity. I remember only the nervous doctor avoiding questions, and the confusion in the eyes of the husband who was present during this whole process. And somewhere nearby, there was a struggle of resuscitators for the life of our baby.

A few hours later my husband was admitted to the intensive care unit, and at last he could see the daughter, take her photo for me and find out the unreliable details of her condition: acute asphyxia, meconium aspiration, cerebral edema, risk of seizures.

Being far from medicine, I read the Internet all night and realized that something terrible was happening and left no hope. According to medical research, it turned out that the chance to save the child's life in such a situation is 3% and only 1% is compensated with the preservation of health. However, 1% was enough to believe ...

Then there were days and nights in the hospital, when I did not want to leave for a minute from the incubator, where my angel was lying attached to the IVL apparatus. She occasionally opened her eyes and barely wiggled her finger. On the 4th day the rector of reanimatology offered to baptize Mary, we invited a priest and conducted a ritual in the ward. By evening, the daughter was breathing on her own. And three days later we were discharged home.

The first battle for 3%, we won.

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