Saturday, November 4, 2017

Course in Wroclaw, autumn 2017

Now Masha is undergoing a two-week course at the Wroclaw rehabilitation center. Every day for three hours with short breaks Masha is engaged with the therapists, by different techniques: dynamic neuromuscular stabilization, physical therapy PNF and Vojta. I did not think that we will return to the Howl again after 2 years, but when checking the body gives the right and good reactions, much better than in infancy, so it is recommended to return the exercises to our daily lives. The massage table has been returned from the storage room and now I am again turning from my mother into a merciless therapist for a few tens of minutes a day. Ruthless, because you have to, reluctantly, endure the tears of the Machine during exercise, so this technique. The purpose of our classes is to reduce involuntary movements, improve head control and hand function.

In addition to physical therapy, Masha is trying out an innovative computer system C-EYE ("cyber-eye") - the development of Gdansk Polytechnic University, which is able to calculate on which image the patient's eye focuses-on the basis of this, games have been created, developing classes and alternative communication.

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